With the steady improvement of our products as our foremost objective, we pay special attention to the wishes and requirements of our customers. Continuous testing and constant optimization of the design as well as the employment of first-class materials are essential to guarantee our products fine quality. In our fans, for instance, we use only highly energy-efficient motor impellers made by renowned German and Swiss manufacturers who have already been meeting the minimum efficiency requirements of the ErP directives for a long time.
Sustainability is a top priority, also in the future, and each of our new products surpasses its predecessor, both economically as well as ecologically. We emphasis maximum environmental compatibility. For example, our activated carbon filters are not only durable but they are also almost 100% recyclable.
We are approximately 60 employees, exporting our goods to 40 countries around the globe, such as Brazil, Chile, Israel, Japan, Latvia, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and throughout the EU.